Private Inspections Back On!

Private Inspections Resume Real Estate

We are pleased to advise that the Victorian government has announced that as of 11.59pm on Friday 17th September, one-on-one private inspections may resume for Melbourne Metro!

Therefore, inspections will be scheduled in as of this Saturday, with the following protocols being followed: 

Open For Inspections

  • One-on-one private inspections may resume
  • All inspections will need to be pre-booked with the agent
  • Property residents/tenants must vacate while the inspections takes place
  • Masks must be worn indoors
  • QR Code check-in mandatory

A popular method in this circumstance is for an agent to allocate 1 hour per property on a Saturday, where they will schedule in inspections 10 minutes apart; and run mid-week inspections on a single appointment basis. 
** Please note however – every agency operates slightly different, so please ensure you check with your vendor advocate/agent on how they have set-up their inspection process for the particular property. 

With inspections back on the real estate industry certainly is a buzz, with properties launching online and auction spaces up to 2-3 months in advance, filling up fast. 

If you have considered placing your property on the market, there could be no better time to sell! With an extraordinary build-up of buyer demand due to the lockdown, largely outweighing the number of properties available, we are seeing incredible sales results that you deserve to be a part of. 

Not sure where to start? Contact one of our vendor advocacy specialists to discuss further about how we can help project manage the entire process on your behalf, from handling the interviewing and negotiating with agents, coordinating the campaign, right through to settlement – to ensure it is a stress-free process, while achieving a great result! All at no extra charge to you!

Contact our team to find out more: 1300 885 442 /

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